Tuesday 3 January 2017

Reminiscing Holy Island

Holy Island - Wales

In October I visited Holy Island for my first time. Sitting now in my cold, landlocked apartment, I can't wait to go back in April. I recently booked this second visit to coincide with the nesting seabirds, finally I'll hopefully see the iconic puffin. It's been a while since I've blogged, or even been out for a bird-y walk! It's been a very busy few months but a new job and the end of my studies is on the horizon. 

I'm hoping to get back out tomorrow (likely Attenborough Nature Reserve) so to get me in the mood I'm going through the photos from my Holy Island visit. I thought I'd share my favourites. 

South Stack Cliffs
Penrhos Coastal Park
RSPB Valley Wetlands
South Stack Cliffs
South Stack Cliffs
South Stack Cliffs
South Stack Cliffs
RSPB Conwy

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