Tuesday 24 January 2017

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Goosanders

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Sunday 22nd January

January can be a depressing month. I leave for work in the dark and return in the dark. However, some amazing wildlife migrates here for winter and getting a glimpse of these species at the weekends brightens my week. I'd heard that Attenborough was doing well for Goosanders, being guilty of avoiding the outdoors during winter, I'd never actually seen one! As soon as I got to the visitor centre there was a few females close-by meaning I could get a good look and a photo or two! Walking around we also saw males but much further away. One of the reserve's team said they counted around 60 Goosanders, a good year! 

Much of the wildlife was busy finding food. The cold certainly wasn't bothering Wrens and Robins which were out in force. Gadwall and Teal were frequently seen. At one point we got within a few feet of a juvenile Heron who was fishing next to the foot path. Cormorants were also fishing very close to the bridges. Whooper Swans were listed on the sightings, apparently reported to be chilling with some Bean Geese. Sadly, we couldn't locate either! I'll have to try again next weekend! 

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