Monday 29 August 2016

Birdfair and Motivations

Rutland Water Nature Reserve - 20th-21st August 2016

Last weekend I travelled to Rutland Water for a weekend of birding fun at the annual Birdfair. This was my first Birdfair, after only starting to take an interest in birds during my Biology degree a couple of years ago. Overall, I found the whole experience completely overwhelming and highly motivating. Seeing and hearing about the work of selfless individuals and the impact their work is having on wildlife worldwide moved me. Alongside this inspiration, Birdfair had a huge impact on me as I met and heard from other people with the same ideologies and beliefs as me. It's very easy to go about the world thinking you're the only person with concerns for wildlife, concerns for the environment and biodiversity. I'm more than often the only person in my age range sat in a bird hide, add to that being female and I'm certainly an under-represented group in the area. It's easy to feel alone. 

The one talk that really touched me the most was Simon King's 'Enough'. Highlighting the impact everyone of us has on the environment, and the species with which we share our planet, everyday. To sit in a packed marquee with people in the hundreds who really do care about these issues showed me that I'm not alone. 

Hence, in true 21st century fashion, I'm taking to the internet to share my experiences. I'm by no means an expert, but hope to provide a little entertainment, and if nothing else, add to the voice of nature conservation. 

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