Sunday 18 September 2016

Willington Gravel Pits

Willington Gravel Pits Derbyshire

Willington Gravel Pits are former sand and gravel quarries managed by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust. They're a quick 15 minute drive away from me and provide the best bird watching in the area. It's become my local patch as try to regularly visit to keep my eye in! Sadly, I don't get much chance at the moment due to work commitments, but I'm looking forward to spending my October weekends at Willington in hope of adding some rare migrant birds to my list. 

I completely fell for Willington recently, unable to make it to Spurn Bird Fest I decided to get out and spend an afternoon birding. At the first viewing platform a Hobby was gliding overhead, swopping down to catch insects, giving me some fantastic views. It then shot towards a tree and knocked another Hobby into flight. After a few minutes 4 Hobbies were hunting, dipping and looping over the wetland, chasing each other when they got too close. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. It was my first time seeing Hobbies, being able to watch them feeding so closely was captivating. Another highlight was a single Black Tern, perching on a post the far side of the site. A rare(ish) bird to add to my list! 

My other sightings from Willington include: 

Reed Bunting 
Black Tern
Long Tailed Tit 
Common Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Black-Tailed Godwit

Rumour has it Willington plays host to Marsh Harriers and Great White Egrets too, I hope to see them soon before they migrate! 

Sunday 4 September 2016

Rutland's Great White Egrets

Rutland Water Nature Reserve - 3rd September 2016

Flicking through my RSPB Handbook of British Birds, one of my favourite sections is the 'rarities' at the end. As with any birder, it's good to know them just in case! One bird in this section has always been my favourite, the Great White Egret. A large, widespread bird but rarely seen in Britain. There's something about this large white heron with it's typical laboured flight that just fascinates me. Closely related to another favourite family of mine, the spoonbills, large water birds, albeit not the most graceful, are my guilty pleasure.

While fantasising in the Swarovski hide at Birdfair, I spotted my first Great White Egret. Sadly, we had to dash to the events marquee but I knew I'd have to pay Rutland another visit soon. 

The bottom right-hand corner (Great White and Little Egret) really shows how large these birds are! 

On a rather gloomy Saturday, I was soon cheered up as we walked into the Anglian Water Birdwatching Centre. The centre overlooks one of Rutland's many lagoons. Straight away I saw a Great White Egret in the distance, while one of Rutland's famous Ospreys soared overhead and swooped down to catch fish. What a way to start the day! Despite the rain we carried on exploring some of Rutland's 36 hides. Other sightings included: Gadwall (by the 100's!), Green Sandpiper, Hobby, Pochard, Shoveler, Little Grebe, Snipe, Kingfisher and (adding a mammal) Hares. Rutland also have a 'photographic hide' in a woodland area set up with feeders. It's one of the most beautiful spots for feeders I've seen, nesting in the woodland with a central pond and plenty of ground flora. Sadly the weather seemed to deter many of the woodland birds.

RSPB statistics state that 35 Great White Egrets winter in the UK. However, expansion of their range means that sightings are becoming increasingly common. Rutland Water is 'internationally famous' and a great place for any birder! Especially those favouring waders and wildfowl. We didn't manage to see all of the reserve, therefore, I obviously have no choice but to go again soon.